The general form of a K: field is:
K:<key and mode> <global accidentals> [clef=]<clef and octave>
Every option in the K: field may be omitted, but the order must not be permutated. The meaning of the individual options is:
Note how the clef influences the default octave. The default octave can be lowered or raised with the modifier "-8" or "+8" after the clef in the K: field, e.g. "K:D treble-8". To reset the octave modifier, use "[K:treble+0]".
The symbols =,^ and _ are used (before a note) to generate respectively a natural, sharp or flat. Double sharps and flats are available with ^ ^ and __ respectively.
For dotted rhythms
there is a shorthand notation: ">
" means
`the previous note is dotted, the next note halved' and "<
" means
`the previous note is halved, the next dotted'. Similarly, ">>
and "<<
" can be used for double dotting.
Rests are generated with a z and can be modified in length in exactly the same way as notes can.
Invisible rests are generated with a x. These count like regular rests, but they are not printed. This can be useful in multistave music, eg. if one voice has a longer pickup than another voice.
Multi bar rests are generated with a capital Z followed by the number of bars. When using bar numbering (command line option ``-k'' or format parameter %%barnumbers), abctab2ps takes care of multi bar rests.
Triplets can be simply coded with the notation "(3abc". Similarly, "(2ab" makes a duplet, "(4abcd" a quadruplet, etc., up to "(9". The musical meanings are:
Notation | Meaning |
(2 | 2 notes in the time of 3 |
(3 | 3 notes in the time of 2 |
(4 | 4 notes in the time of 3 |
(5 | 5 notes in the time of n |
(6 | 6 notes in the time of 2 |
(7 | 7 notes in the time of n |
(8 | 8 notes in the time of 3 |
(9 | 9 notes in the time of n |
More general tuplets can be specified using the syntax (p:q:r which means `put p notes into the time of q for the next r notes'. If q is not given, it defaults as above. If r is not given, it defaults to p. For example, "(3:2:2" is equivalent to "(3::2" and "(3:2:3" is equivalent to "(3:2", "(3" or even "(3::". This can be useful to include notes of different lengths within a tuplet, for example "(3:2:2G4c2" or "(3:2:4G2A2Bc" and also describes more precisely how the simple syntax works in cases like "(3D2E2F2" or even "(3D3EF2". The number written over the tuplet is p.
The notation of nonmetric music like plainchant requires stemless notes. These can be enforced with the format parameter %%nostems. Note that notes still have lengths, so that it is in principle possible to notate nonmetric music with more than one part (like medieval organa). To adjust the notes vertically, use invisible rests (x). Invisible rests can also be used for separating note groups in monophonic stemless notation.
". abctab2ps does no
plausibility check whether a bar is over or underfull, so you can
put bar lines where you please. The following symbols are supported:
Notation | Meaning |
| |
bar line |
|] |
thin-thick double bar line |
|| |
thin-thin double bar line |
[| |
thick-thin double bar line |
:| |
left repeat |
|: |
right repeat |
:: |
left-right repeat |
[|] |
invisible bar line |
Invisible bars lines are workarounds if you need labels on the first bar or put a line break in the middle of a bar.
First and second repeats can be generated with the symbols "[1
and "[2
", e.g.
faf gfe|[1 dfe dBA:|[2 d2e dcB|]When adjacent to bar lines, these can be shortened to "
" and ":|2
", but with regard to
spaces, i.e. "| [1
" is legal, "| 1
" is not.
If you want a dot after the number in first and second repeats, use
the format parameter %%endingdots.
You can tie two notes together either across or within a bar with
a "-" symbol, e.g. "abc-|cba
" or "abc-cba
More general slurs can be put in with "()" symbols. Thus "(DEFG)"
puts a slur over the four notes. Spaces within a slur are ok, e.g.
"(D E F G)", but the open bracket should come immediately
before a note (and its accents/accidentals, etc.) and the close
bracket should come immediately after a note (and its octave
marker or length). Thus "(=b c'2)" is correct but ( =b c'2 ) is not.
To abctab2ps, slurs outside chords and slurs within chords are different kinds of animals. A slur outside of chord brackets always applies to the top notes of the enclosed chords and it may span several notes. A slur within chord brackets however must be closed in the immediately following chord. E.g. in order to tie the top note of a chord to the next single note, you may write "([afd] b)" or "[(afd] [b)]", but not "[(afd] b)" (in the last version, the slur is opened inside chord but closed outside which is not allowed).
In transcriptions of mensural notation into common music notation ligaturae are often indicated by square brackets. This is possible with the pseudocomment %%slurisligatura, which prints ligatura brackets instead of slurs. Note that this only applies to slurs outside chords and not to ties.
The first two examples show the meaning of grace notes according to the abc standard, which specifies that grace notes have no explicit time values and the following meaning:
When the following note is a chord, appogiaturas and accacciaturas are tied to the first note given in the chord.
Other decorations are indicated either by a magic character (e.g. "T" for a trill) or by their name in exclamation marks (e.g. "!trill!"). The decoration signs must appear immediately before a note, e.g. "TG" or "!trill!G" for a trill above middle G. If notes are grouped in chords, the decoration sign must appear outside and immediately before the chord. abctab2ps currently supports the following decorations:
Important notice: The old style chord notation with plus signs, eg. "+ac+", which was an undocumented non standard abc feature of abc2ps is no longer supported in abctab2ps.
The abc notation formally permits notes with different durations on the same stem: "[a/bc2]" and so on. However, abctab2ps assigns all notes in a chord the duration of the first note in the bracket. If you are looking for polyphonie, see the remark on abcm2ps.
Slurs and ties within chords are possible:
[(a(b] [c)d)]
slurs a to c, b to d [a-b] [ac]
ties a to a