This is a little story that I wrote when I was a freshman. I just thought it up one day and I like it...

Once apon a time there lived a pricess who loved to run and play and laugh. Every day she would go run outside in her beautiful gardens. Her garden had a pond with a little stream and a big open grassy space and trees for shade and all sorts of flowers and plants. Each day the pricess would talk to her flowers and other plants and ask them how they were doing and if they liked the garden or if they wanted her to change anything about it and then she would sit and listen very carefully to see if they would say anything to her. Most of the time she fell asleep waiting or she would get bored and go off to play. One day when the princess was just about to fall asleep she thought she heard a little voice calling to her so she sat very still and listened some more and sure enough she heard a little voice calling

"Princess, princess, thank you for waiting for our answer we want you to come and join us for a day so you can see what it is like to be a part of the garden"
All of a sudden the princess was turned into a beautiful rose. So there she sat the princess rose and she saw what the flowers saw for the rest of the day. She saw the clouds roll by above her and she saw and felt the wind rushing all around her and bending her this way and that and she was content. At the end of the day the princess went back home and she thought about how much she enjoyed being a flower and then she decided that the next day she would ask the flowers to let her be a flower forever......