Version | Date | Author | Changes |
0.1 | 1999.08.20 | CD | first creation |
0.2 | 1999.09.05 | CD | fermata in music added |
0.3 | 1999.10.22 | CD | tablature format parameters, tablature decorations, new meters M:none and M:3 |
0.4 | 1999.12.01 | CD | slurs in tablature |
0.5 | 2000.03.10 | CD | new font loading scheme, encoding for italian fonts |
0.7 | 2000.04.28 | CD | new format parameter "tabledgeabove", new decorations in tablature |
0.8 | 2000.06.12 | CD | tab decorations can apply to individual notes of a chord; new decorations; command line options in input file |
0.9 | 2000.07.29 | CD | new format parameter "tabflagspace", new clef "banjo5tab", new tabrhstyle "none", new tabdeco "L", "guitar chords" in tablature added |
0.9.5 | 2000.09.13 | CD | new format parameter "tabfontscale" |
1.0.0 | 2000.10.17 | CD | first and second repeat in tab supported, new decoration "segno", new clef "banjo4tab" or "ukuleletab" |
1.0.5 | 2000.11.17 | CD | new clefs "french4tab", "french5tab", "italian4tab", "italian5tab", "spanish4tab", "spanish5tab" |
1.1.0 | 2001.01.06 | CD | new tabdeco "V"; right aligned text with %%right; new page layout parameters "barnumbers" and "barnumberfirst"; scope of layout parameters documented |
1.2.0 | 2001.06.30 | CD | guitar chords: up to eight line breaks and accidental signs supported; new tabrhstyle "grid" |
1.3.0 | 2002.01.01 | CD | more clefs supported; better documentation of clef specification; more meter specifications supported |
1.3.1 | 2002.03.19 | CD | standard Postscript fonts documented |
1.4.0 | 2002.05.30 | CD | multi bar rests; coda sign; empty tab chords |
1.4.2 | 2002.08.15 | CD | invisible bars documented |
1.5.0 | 2003.02.20 | CD | ASCII codes greater 'o' allowed in tabfonts; 'y' as anchor for unplucked courses; !...! decorations; new clef "italian8tab" |
1.5.3 | 2003.07.20 | CD | header field F: added; new format parameter "squarebrevis" |
1.6.0 | 2003.12.28 | CD | more than one gchord per note possible; more decorations; decorations on barlines |
1.6.2 | 2004.03.20 | CD | new music deco !breath!, new format parameter "endingdots" |
1.6.3 | 2004.08.20 | CD | new tab decos !strumup!, !strumdown!; new keyword 'display' in M: filed; new format parameter meterdisplay |
1.6.4 | 2005.01.02 | CD | new rhythmstyle "modernbeams", format parameter "taballflags" |
1.6.5 | 2005.02.16 | CD | ligatura support |
1.6.7 | 2005.11.18 | CD | new format parameters "gchordspace", "historicstyle" and "nobeams" |
1.6.8 | 2006.04.18 | CD | voice parameter "octave" ignored |
1.7.0 | 2006.07.31 | CD | tenuto signs in tablature |
1.7.1 | 2007.04.07 | CD | new format parameter "nogracestroke" |
1.8.0 | 2007.04.21 | CD | new format parameter "printmetronome"; support for german lute tablature |
1.8.1 | 2007.05.11 | CD | explained print position when label on last bar in line |
1.8.3 | 2007.11.17 | CD | new music deco !wedge! |
1.8.4 | 2008.02.21 | CD | grace notes can have length (long appogiaturas) |
1.8.5 | 2008.08.15 | CD | new format parameters "nostems" for stemless notes (e.g. for chant notation) and "tabgermansepline" for suppressing separator line between German tablature systems; new dynamic marks !sf! and !sfz! |
1.8.7 | 2009.03.10 | CD | new format parameter "tabgchordspace" |
1.8.9 | 2009.12.27 | CD | new clef "treble8up" |
1.8.10 | 2011.03.08 | CD | grace notes (appogiaturas) tied to first chord note; new format parameter "stafflinethickness" |
1.8.11 | 2011.26.04 | CD | new format parameter "tabfirstflag" |