In 2004, Pete Stewart transcribed three books of bagpipe music from the early 1700s. This is a mirror of his three files, fixed up somewhat to work better with most modern ABC software. He also sent the following information about the files:
Thomas Marsden, dated 1705
"A collection of original Lancashire Hornpipes old and new containing divisions upon each for the treble violin being the first of its kind"
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John Walsh, c. 1730
"The Third Book of the most celebrated jiggs, Lancahire hornpipes, Scotch and Highland lilts, Northern frisks, Morris's and Cheshire rounds with hornpipes the bagpipe manner, to which is added the Black Joak, the White Joak, the Brown,, the Red, and the Yellow Joaks. With variety of whims and fancies of diff'rent humour, fitted to the genious of publick performers."
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Daniel Wright
"An Extraordinary Collection of Pleasant and merry Humours' never before Published, Containing Hornpipe's, Jigg's, North Cuntry Frisk's, Morris's, Bagpipe Hornpipe's, & Round's with Severall Additonal fancis added. fit for all those that play Publick."
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If you don't have ABC software, you might like to try a tool of mine that returns the tunes in various formats. If you click here, you'll get the page you're looking at now, but the ABC files will be expanded to show all the tunes. Each file and tune will have a line of links to return it in a number of different formats. The lines labelled 0: will return the entire set of tunes. (This page may be slow because it reads every .abc file in the directory.)
Here are the ABC files: