From: Robert McOwen <>
   Subject: Plans for Monday Night

   I'>m thinking of teaching two dances on Monday:
   Will Ye Come Awa' Wi' Me, 32S3C by Ian Boyd (The South Gate).
      Tunes: Cropi's Strathspey, Littlejohn's Hame
   Brechin Fancy, 32R2C (MMM II).  Tune: "Any Good Reel"

   The reason Iâ<80><99>m doing  the  strathspey  is  that  it  has  an
   all-round poussette and a (reverse) knot.  So I can work on those two
   figures,  which  are  both  in  Lammermuir  Hills.   This  would   be
   particularly  useful  if  there is not a beginner class downstairs on

   From: Jennifer Schoonover <>
   Subject: February 4

   St. Bernard’s Waltz, 16W couples round-the-room Ceilidh dance
   Johnny Groat’s House, 32R3C; Book 18
   Lammermuir Hills, 32S2C; Goldring, Wells House
   Kiss Under the Stairs, 32J3C; MMM2
   Miss Betty Boyle’s Reel, 32S3C; MMM2
   Miss Clemy Stuart’s Reel, 32R3C; Book 9