2019-01-14 RSCDS Boston dance program

   Advanced class:
      From: Robert McOwen <rmcowen@comcast.net>

      I am planning to teach a couple of dances from the “StrathsBabes Collection”:
         Swirls & Eddies 32S3C
         Skimming the Waves 32R3C

      For music, the first one suggests a song strathspey, such as  "The
      Sheltered Cove" on "Aye Afloat" by Muriel Johnstone & Keith Smith;
      but I don't know that tune, so you need not use it.

      The second one does not suggest any tune  or  type  of  reel;  the
      title might suggest a hornpipe, but you can use your imagination.

   From: Jennifer Schoonover <outrageoussocks@gmail.com>

   Social hour:
         Boston Two Step 16-bar Jig 6X (round-the-room Ceilidh dance)
         Twirl of the Kilt 32S2C (let’s do 3C set) (Keppies Gaelic College v.5)
         Anderson’s Rant 32R3C (Miss Milligan’s Miscellany)
         Cold and Raw 24J2C (Book 5)
         Strathglass House 32S3C (Book 13)
         Wind that Shakes the Barley 32R3C (Duthie 8 SCDs)
         Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2019 22:39:01 -0800
         Cc: Jen Schoonover <outrageoussocks@gmail.com>
         Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
         To: John Chambers <jc@trillian.mit.edu>
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