Skagits in Stockbridge

Title Skagits in Stockbridge
Composer Ian Brockbank <ian at>
Form Dance for four couples in a four-couple longwise set
Rhythm 32 Bar Strathspey
Tune Milladen (played ABBA)
Source strathspey list 2003-3-19

This dance starts with two chords. On the second chord, 3rd and 4th couples cross over to the opposite sides.
1-2 1st and 4th couples set.
3-4 1st couple cast off one place while 4th couple cast up one place.
5-8 1st and 4th couples dance right hands across, finishing in promenade hold with partner, 1st couple facing 2nd man and 4th couple facing 3rd man.
9-12 1st and 4th couples dance half a diagonal reel of four with 2nd and 3rd men, finishing with 1st and 4th ladies dancing � of the way round each other by the right shoulders to join in promenade hold with the other man, 1st lady and 4th man facing 2nd lady, and 1st man and 4th lady facing 3rd lady.
13-16 Repeat bars 9-12 with 2nd and 3rd ladies.
17-24 Repeat bars 9-16 to finish on the sidelines in the order 2,4,1,3, 1st and 3rd couples on the opposite sides of the dance.
25-32 2nd and 4th couples, and 1st and 3rd couples dance a strathspey poussette once round.
Finish in the order 2413, 1st and 3rd couples on the opposite side of the dance, ready to start again.

Bars 9-24 are a mixture of Mairi's Divorce and The Bees of Maggieknockater. It's up to the men to keep track of where they're going (4 simple half diagonal reels of four for them) while the women do the twiddling and changing partners.