Bars | |
1-8 | 1st couple cross over giving RIGHT hand, case off 1 place (2nd couple move up); 1st man dances a 1/2 figure of 8 between 3rd couple and round 3rd man - while - 1st lady does the same between 2nd couple and round 2nd lady, to finish 1st couple in 2nd place own sides. |
9-16 | 1st couple dance reels of 3 on own sides with 2nd and 3rd couples,
giving LEFT shoulder to the person on their LEFT to begin, i.e.: 1st
& 2nd men and 1st & 3rd ladies pass LEFT shoulder, to finish 1st
couple in a diagonal line RIGHT hand joined with partner and LEFT
hand with partner's 1st corner. 2nd & 3rd couples turn the long way round to places. |
17-24 | Balance in line RIGHT ROUND or THE SPOKE (clockwise)
Note: Everyone is dancing for 8 pas de basque steps. Only 1st couple move round, the other dancers set diagonally across the set when hands are not joined diagonally (1st couple may use skip change of step on last bar).
1st couple retaining partner's RIGHT hand throughout, 1st couple drop hands and dance into 2nd place own sites [1]. |
25-32 | 2nd, 1st & 3rd couples dance 6 hands round to the left and back. |
Repeat, having passed a couple.
Devised by Aad L.M. Boode, Delft, 1994.