Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2004 19:39:41 -0500 From: To: Subject: Default Setting I devised a dance entitled 'Default Setting?' which I posted on the strathspey list a few months ago. For easy reference, here it is again: DEFAULT SETTING? 32 bar jig for three couples Music HISCD #8 Bars 1-4 1st couple set (one bar only) dance towards partner briefly, then cast to 2nd place and face down. 2nd couple step up on bars 3 and 4. 5-8 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples dance half a grand chain. To begin, 1st and 3rd men, and 1st and 3rd women, change on the sides, while 2nd couple change at the top. Finish with polite turns. 9-16 1st couple set (one bar only), cast off again, meet below 3rd couple dance up to the top, cast to 2nd place, and finish back-to-back in the centre facing partner's 1st corner position (own 1st corner person) 17-20 1st couple set to 1st corners (one bar only) and dance half a diagonal reel of four. 1st couple passing by left shoulder finish back-to-back in the centre facing partner's 2nd corner position (own 2nd corner person) 21-24 1st couple set to 2nd corners (one bar only) and dance half a diagonal reel of four. 1st couple finish in 2nd place on own side. 25-32 2nd, 1st and 3rd couples taking hands on the side set on right foot (one step only) and circle six hands round to the left for 3 bars; set on left foot (one step only) and circle to the right, finishing on own side. Devised by Chris Ronald, April 2003. The name of the dance recalls a familiar term to computer users, but the figures (with the unusual setting step) amount to anything but a 'default setting' for a Scottish country dance. Notes 1. After setting on right foot (on bars 1, 9, 17 and 21) dance skip change of step leading with left foot. 2. On bar 9, as they set (on right foot), 1st couple start turning outwards ready to cast. Chris.