Ben MacDhui

A 32 Bar Jig for Three Couples
Music -- Laughter Ben the Room, by Muriel Johnstone
Dedicated to Miss Gill Russell of the Cairngorm Dancers, London

From: "Ron Mackey" 
To: SCD news and discussion 
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 00:19:25 +0100
Subject: Re: Tickle My Fancy?
1s,2s,3s Cross over giving right hands to partners & turn to the right.
3rd Man & 1st Lady leading, all chase round to the right to finish across the set, Ladies across the top & Men across in third place.
1s,2s,3s change places with partners giving LEFT hands & turn to the left.
All chase round to own places.
In Galant hold, 1s- followed by 2s- lead down in 4 bars & cross to below 3s. (1s may anticipate by taking the Galant hold at the very end of bar 8 but must remain at the top of the set)
1s cast up round 3s & in 2nd place 3/4 turn by Right Hand while 2s (who do not cross) follow & cast up to 1st place.
Continuing from the turn - 1st Man followed by 1st Lady dances above 2nd Lady & casts off one place to cross over in 2nd place. 1st Man turns right about. 1s are now on own sides in 2nd place.
All turn by the right hand.
All dance six hands round & back in the Happy Circle.

Repeat with new 2s & 3s.

N.B. Ben MACDHUI is the highest peak in the Cairngorms!

Note. The Galant Hold is when the man gives his partner right hand & puts his left hand behind her. She takes his left hand in hers to her left on her waist. If the lady wishes (& if she trusts him) she may allow him to rest his hand on her waist while she holds her skirts in the approved manner.

Ron Mackey. Hogmanay 1990.
Mottingham, London
London, Croydon & International Branches