Subject: Tam O' Shanter, a children's dance Date: Wed, 10 Mar 2004 21:15:03 -0500 From: Deirdre MacCuish Bark To: Tam O' Shanter, 40 bar Jig for 4 couples 1-8 1M dances across set, behind iW, in front of 2W, behind 3W across below 3rd couple, up behind the men's side to place. 9-16 1st couple slip down the middle and up 17-24 2s, 3s and 4s circle and back. 25-32 All chase counter clockwise 33-40 2s, 3s and 4s make a bridge for the 1s to go under to the bottom of the set, for the last 4 bars, the new 1st couple turns by the right hand. Story to go with the dance: 1-8 Tam looks for his horse 9-16 Tam and horse ( Meg) ride for home 17-24 Witches dancing ( one is a really good dancer) 25-32 Witches chase Tam and Meg 33-40 Only way to escape witches in 18th century Scotland was to cross running water, so Tam and horse escape over a bridge. Leading witch was a fast runner as well as a good dancer and she grabs the horses tail and pulls it off.