Langholm Fair 3Cset S 32 Jean Attwood, Alexander Dances Bk 3 #7 1-8 1M leading +2M+3M dance across the top and down to behind the Women; all M cross to own side (1M below 3W, 2M below 2W. 3M below 1W) | All set 9-16 "Teapots R & L" (2C RHA with pair to the R; LHA to the L) 17-24 1W leading +2W+3W dance across the top and down behind the M to join own P (who swivels 3/4 L on [20]) in prom hold facing down; all couples complete the 2nd half of a Promenade to finish (1,2,3), 1C+2C in the middle facing up, 3C in place 25-32 1C cast off -while- 2C dance to top | 1C turn BH; cast off to 3pl (3C up) | turn BH. (2,3,1)