From: Ulrike K\"oppler Subject: Heptathlon Jig - Instruction source To: I came across a Heptathlon Jig in English Country Dancing, by Alan White. These are not the original Instructions, I picked them up at a weekend. (And translated them into SCD terms). A set of 7 dancers, 2 lines of 3 on the sides, #7 in the middle facing up. Bars 1-4 Right hands across, #7 and the top 2 dancers on his/her right. 5-8 Left hands across, #7 and the top 2 dancers on his/her left. 9-12 Right hands across, #7 and the bottom 2 dancers on his/her right. 13-16 Left hands across, #7 and the bottom 2 dancers on his/her left. 17-24 #7 and the middle dancer in each line: reel of three. To start, #7 passes the middle dancer on the "men's side" by the left shoulder, this is the person in front of him/her in the last wheel. #7 finishes back in the middle. 25-28 #7 and top right hand dancer turn 1,5 times by the right. 29-30 All set. 31-32 Outside dancers chase one place clockwise while new centre dancer sets.