From: Karin Ingram To: SCD news and discussion Date: Mon, 13 Nov 2006 20:27:27 -0000 Subject: The Craven Twelvesome The Craven Twelvesome by Derek Haynes 4 x 32 Bar Reel (Original: The Moving Cloud played as a reel) Formation: 4 men, each with 2 lady partners, standing in a square set 1-8 Each man dances a reel of three with his partners, starting by passing right shoulders with his right-hand partner. 9-10 Men advance with two setting steps to the centre. 11-12 Men dance a right hand star half way round to opposite place. 13-16 Men cast out of the set between their opposite ladies, travel clockwise behind the set and emerge between next ladies (the ladies who were to the right of them originally). 17-18 Head Trios (trios now in positions 1 and 3) advance for three steps and on the fourth step each lady joins both hands with her opposite lady and dances half turn to change places. 19-20 These new trios retire for four steps. 21-24 Bars 17-20 are repeated by Side Trios (those in positions 2 and 4) 25-32 All circle left for eight steps and back for eight steps. These 32 bars are repeated 3 times, so that everyone ends up back in their original places.