From: Graham Hamilton Date: Tue, 14 Oct 1997 05:06:29 -0400 (EDT) To: strathspey:tm.informatik.uni-frankfurt.DE Subject: Re: Black Mountain Reel Black Mountain Reel ( 5x32 Reel) goes as follows and is a very popluar dance in the London area. Have fun: 1c & 3c cross RH & cast, half figure of 8 round 2c & 4c respectively who step up on 7 & 8. 1c & 3c turn first corner RH, partner LH, second corner RH, partner LH to end facing first corner again. 1c & 3c dance full diagonal reel of four with first corner. Finish passing partner right shoulder ready for... 1L with 2c, 3M with 5c, 1M & 3L with 4c dance RHA once round. 1c & 3c turn LH once round and cast on their own side to 3rd and 5th places. Repeat from new positions. If you would like more detailed instructions I can probably find the original source, given a few days.