Date: Tue, 18 Nov 2003 10:24:51 -0500 (EST) From: Lara Friedman~Shedlov To: Autumn Wind, 32-bar strathspey for 3 couples in a longwise set Suggested music: Delvine Side 1-4 1C and 2C set and link, 2W finish facing out. 5-8 1C turn RH 1 1/2 while 2C and 3C chase clockwise halfway. 9-14 Men advance for 2 bars, retire for 2 bars, and set for 2 bars while women set for 2 bars, advance for 2 bars, and retire for 2 bars. 15-16 All turn partner RH halfway, remaining in the middle of the set ready for . . . 17-24 3-couple allemande. 1C finish facing 1st corners. 25-32 Corners pass & turn (corners turn each other with both hands), 1C passing each other right shoulder at the end to finish in 2nd place on own sides.