CONTRA Reels: * Beth Cohen's: Portland 2 * Reel Eugene: Portland 1 (under Eugene) * Freeford Gardens: Barnes ECD 1 * Evit Gabriel: Portland 1 * Hellebore * Isle of Mull * Old Grey Cat: Portland 1 * Sacket's Harbor: Portland 1 * Scollay's Reel: Portland 1 * Trip to Turnbridge: Barnes ECD 1 Jigs: * Coleraine * Black Friday * Jump at the Sun: Portland 1 * Lanigan's Ball: NEFR KLEZMER (AND BEYOND) * Ale Brider * Belz #1, Beltz #2 * Casuta Noastra * A Glezele Yash * Hojna * Hopkele * Moldavskaya Hora: Parts A & B only * Nayer Sher: Each part is one full time thru dance * Pera stous Pera Kabous * The Tongue: Parts A & B only * Trite Pati * Vo Bistu Geveyn Waltzes: * Kujawiak * Salo Enis Klezmer Waltz