From!!!!looking!funny-request Wed, 3 Apr 96 4:30:02 EST Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny From: (Kirsten Starcher) Subject: Typical Microsoft... Keywords: smirk, computers Approved: Path:!!!!looking!funny-request Message-ID: Date: Wed, 3 Apr 96 4:30:02 EST Lines: 17 A friend of mine said he was trying to install Windows NT on a non-standard machine. Everything seemed fine until he actually ran Windows and a message told him that something had gone astray. I guess this could be considered an unrecoverable error: No keyboard found. Press F1 to continue. -- Selected by Jim Griffith. MAIL your joke to Attribute the joke's source if at all possible. A Daemon will auto-reply. Please don't send us requests of the form, "could you please send me the joke about XXX?" Yes, we have it, but if we were willing to let ourselves be a joke server we would spend all day doing it. We reject all such requests.