How to crop photos with Preview on a Mac: Open the image in Preview. Open the "edit toolbar" (which is different from "the toolbar"). View -> Open Edit Toolbar Click on the Select button on the toolbar. Click Rectangular Selection in the drop-down menu. Click and drag your mouse over the part of the image you want to keep. In the toolbar, click Tools > Crop. To save the result, use the File -> Export.. menu item. (Extracted from a web page that hides its URL in Safari.) Warning: Preview sometimes refuses to close the window used for the above editing; it may only close it if you "Revert" the file, which undoes your cropping. When it does this, you must export it with a new name, then close the window (with Revert), and copy the new file to the old one. Inquiries about this got the reply that it's working the way it was designed to work.