Using scp or rsync within a script can be difficult because the script will suddenly ask for a password or passphrase, and a background script (perhaps run by cron) might not have a "user" who can answer. The solution is the no-password approach based on public/private keys. This is one of the useful answers given at ============================================================= You don't need to worry about passwords when you can use something called Public Key Infrastructure. This is a method of using public and private keys to authenticate a user. You store a copy of your private key, and the other server has a copy of your public key. When you log in, they have a little conversation with each other which confirms the public and private keys match so you can log in without entering a password. This is as secure as anything as long as you don't share your private key with anyone! To set this up is really simple. On source machine, run ssh-keygen. You can accept all the defaults, that'll be enough for this purpose. It'll generate your private (id_rsa) and public( keys in your ~/.ssh folder. Now you want to get the public key on the server, which is easy too. From the source pc, run ssh-copy-id username@servername. This will place a copy of's content in the server's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. Now if you ssh from the source to the destination you will get in without requiring a password. How does this affect rsync I hear you ask? Rsync uses ssh! Please remember: NEVER GIVE OUT YOUR PRIVATE KEY (id_rsa) or someone can pretend to be you. ============================================================= If anyone has additional useful info, please email me at: