From: marks@server1.DELTANET.COM (Mark Sobolewski)
Subject: White Male Awareness Month (was Re: OJ acquited during...)
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 95 3:20:11 EDT (Eric Hansen) in alt.feminism writes:
>Subject: OJ acquitted during domestic violence awareness month
> IRONY (noun)
> 1. Emphasis by stating the opposite; covert sarcasm.
> 2. The frustration of hopes.
Gosh, you know... I see things like "domestic violence awareness
month" and "black history awareness month" but never anything that
pertains to anyone who's white or white and male...
So I propose: White Male Oppression Awareness Month!
The month chosen will be January. Reasons:
- It's the first month. White males should always come first because
we oppress everyone.
- It's also a 31 day month. White males deserve to get the most.
- Being a winter month, we can force everyone to watch our parade and
speeches in cold weather. This is acceptable because white males get
off on watching other people suffer.
- This gives the rest of the people 11 months to complain about what
white males did the first month...
Calendar of events:
- Jan 1st:
- Start of a new year of oppressing everyone! IRS joins in on
the fun by delivering 1040 forms.
- Jan 2nd:
- Starve minority children day. White males return unwanted
Xmas gifts and spend money on 4 wheel vehicles and fishing boats
instead of mailing it to the government to spend on progressive
social programs.
- Jan 10th:
- Superbowl Sunday. Official day when white males beat their
wives providing necessary work for people manning shelter hot
- Jan 15th:
- Official Riot and Looting day! Day for disgruntled white
males to loot and burn down stores as a means for political
expression. Since it's so cold, however, most white males stay
home. This explains why white people never trash anything. Maybe
we should change this to June...
- Jan 16th:
- Request Federal aid for rebuilding our cities after the
riots. Since no riot occurred, funds are redirected to Mark
Fuhrman legal defense fund.
- Jan 17th:
- Rally honoring custodial fathers who collect from the $100
Billion dollar welfare system. All 10 of them...
- Jan 20th:
- White male migration day. Millions of white males grab their
children and run for Tiajuana demanding Mexico pay for free
medical care, housing, and education.
- Jan 21st:
- Didn't work. White males return home and beg their bosses
for their job back.
- Jan 22nd:
- Most white males rehired. This is the only day that
employers post listings: "White males encouraged to apply."
- Jan 25th:
- Equinox. Days start getting longer and nights shorter. White
males use this to oppress people somehow...
- Jan31st:
- End of White Male Month Destroy the Environmont *JAMBOREE!*
White males drive cross country in an effort to burn all the gas
we won in the gulf war. This results in global warming making next
year's parade more bearable...
- Disclaimer:
- This disclaimer is necessary for anyone who makes race
comments or jokes about non-white-males. Author claims to not be
racist or horrible even if he is because it makes sense. Do you really
think he would admit it? If the reader wishes to retaliate in some
fashion, he may do so against other white males or the author's unborn
children in a fashion acceptable to federal law.