Date: Fri, 11 Nov 94 12:20:03 EST Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny Subject: Brave New World - Political Division From: The following message was forwarded earlier today to a discussion list I monitor. Scott Line David Jarmul here in your nation's capital. Are those of you outside the Beltway as anxious as I am for this miserable election campaign to end? Maybe next time we can get the candidates to follow our pionet lead and just conduct the whole business by computer. For instance: I got bounced from the system. Trying to get back in. Advice? mbarry@washingt.dc Try keys on right. Check menu. ollie@ultrarig.wac.ko Did someone say menu? teddy@dynasty.mass To get back into system, log in remotely as outsider. tfoley@other.wash.not.dc or ask someone to massage your data. chuck@virginia.sen suggest you check the parent file. maybe you have vaporware. That could be the problem. Am working with demo version. mbarry@washingt.dc demo version is corrupted. try new software: republ 94.0. bdole is right. also check if you need new speaker. make sure the file is convertible. bernadet@sofa.sogood.sen Help! My communications protocol is crashing! mario@albany.ny maybe you've logged on too many times. :) I also have communications problem. Can't exit o.j. newsgroup. follow earlier advice: Check parent file. do any of you need the system operator (sysop) to help you? agore@infohigh.vp Thanks but no thanks. we don't need sysop. congress@house.sen hey, don't flame me!!! I'm running this system. sure. hee hee. SYSTEM FROZEN logoff all users. create new chat group. voters@usa ### Well, maybe not. These impudent but appropriate views are my own, of course, not my employer's, but I do look forward to seeing where the rest of you take this thread before the polls close. -- David WAIT! It's election day? Nobody told me. I wanted to be on the ballot! danny@potatoe.clue.less